Additional to the re-design, we developed three handy features which would help the user find the desired font more quickly and time-efficient.

Font-Identifier: Upload a picture with the desired typography shown, our system then provides the user with similar free-to-use fonts available in the database.

Draw-it: Draw the desired font-style you are looking for, wether it’s a calligraphy inspired font, classical  handwriting or a serif type, draw it and the system will provide you with matching results.

Web-Fonder: Ever wondered how the New York Times would look like when displayed with a different font? It’s so easy – just select the desired website you want to change and define a new  type and our system will show you the result in real-time. Exploring new fonts in a realistic environment was never that easy before.

Course: Application Design I
Semester: 3. Semester Interactiondesign
Academic: Jürgen Graef
Tools: Sketch, Illustrator, HTML, Axure

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